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I wish to express my infinite gratitude to our heavenly Mother for her compassion towards me. Thank you Mother Mary for the graces granted to me in August 2014. I said the novena to Mary Undoer of Knots petitioning her to help my son in his IGCSE exams, to grant him all A*s. I said the novena during his examination period [May/ June 2014]. Thank you dear Mother, Undoer of Knots you blessed my son with amazing results, all A*”. I'm continuing to pray the novena for other serious knots in my family as well. May God be praised for His wonderful mercies to us through Our Lady Undoer of Knots. I ask that you always protect my whole family. Everything I have asked you was granted to me. Oh my beloved mother, thank You, Bless You and Praise You Alleluia!
I wish to express my infinite gratitude to our heavenly Mother for her compassion towards me. I had been carrying a burden for more than 30 years and as I look back, I now realize that it was after I had made this novena that the burden disappeared in my life. I'm continuing to pray the novena for other serious knots in my family as well. May God be praised for His wonderful mercies to us through Our Lady Undoer of knots.
We eternally thank to Mother Mary Undoer of Knots
for the grace of the cure, through kidney transplants
of the three sisters, Anna Paula (24/02/2005),
Eva Cristina (20/08/2005) and Anna Maria (23/10/2005).
Thank you, mother, for the miracle of compatible
donors, for the liberation from suffering, and
for the opportunity of a new life. Please continue
to bless us so that we can be God’s tools
in the mission of love to our fellowmen through
organ donation.
I am 59 yrs of age and live in NY, USA. Just a
few weeks ago I was introduced to Mary Undoer
of Knots and I ordered the Novena booklet. Today
I am on day five of the Novena and graces of healing
and change are taking place within me and my marriage.
Although my husband does not go to Church or receive
the sacraments I am seeing a softening and know
Mother Mary is at work!
If it is the will of God I would like to make
a pilgrimage of thanksgiving and petition for
my family at the Shrine of Mary Undoer of Knots.
Two years ago I had cancer in my throat. Today,
after the surgery, I feel cured from the disease,
and I thank Mary Undoer of Knots for this grace.
Please take all the diseases from my body, as
you have already taken from my soul. Amen.
My Holy Mother, I come today to thank you for
the grace of liberating me from the addiction
to alcohol, I feel much better. I thank you for
the health and intelligence of my beloved daughter.
Amen. Thank you my Mother.
I thank Mary and God for the great grace they
granted me: around one year ago, I started having
strong headaches. No doctor could find out the
cause and no medicine was strong enough to kill
the pain. When I asked Mary Undoer of Knots, I
got this great grace and today, 20/05, I come
to thank. Thank you Jesus and Mary.
My mother, thank you for granting me one more
grace, now I am pregnant and the baby is healthy.
Please always make your light shine upon my life.
I made the novena to Mary Undoer of Knots petitioning
her to help my son get a job. He had been out
of work for a year and within weeks of my completion
of the Novena he found a good job.
Thank You Mary! I’m sorry for doubting You
when my request was not answered right away.
I have to learn to be more patient.
One of my knots was healed by our Blessed Mother
even before I had finish saying the Novena.
I will continue to say the novena and I am telling
my friends and family about this wonderful novena.
Oh my dear mother, I come to thank you for my
PhD thesis defence, which was peaceful, in a perfect
and wonderful day. My child that was conceived
is growing in the womb of her mother, strong and
beautiful. Everything I have asked you so far
was granted to me. Oh my beloved mother, I need
to register my “thank You” here.
My little granddaughter, 1 year old, fell seriously
ill precisely on my birthday (March 2, 2006).
I immediately started the novena to Mary Undoer
of Knots and soon received the grace of my granddaughter’s
complete cure. Thank you dear mother for your
intercession to your Son Jesus.
Our Lady Mary Undoer of Knots, I thank you for
being present throughout the convalescence of
my boyfriend, giving back his life and giving
him faith in his heart. Thank you for helping
him to withstand all the difficult moments of
his recovery. Thank you because today I can be
here praising you for these graces.
Dear Mother, I thank you for the grace of recovering
my health during Christmas, 1 year and 3 months
of convalescence after the car accident I was
involved in. I believe in your intercession to
your Son Jesus for my needs, and above all for
keeping me in your way, waiting for that impossible
I thank Out Lady Undoer of Knots for the grace
granted to me. My husband was unemployed for almost
one year. After the novena, in two weeks he got
a new job.
I thank for the grace of my Graduation at the
University and because my sister was accepted
as a trainee at Unilever. I also thank for all
the happy moments that these graces will give
me. I ask that you always protect my whole family
and go on helping my sister in her professional
life, may she now get a steady job there. May
we be able to buy a house for us and live in harmony.
Thank you.
Dear Mother, thank you for the graces you granted
me. They are so many, Oh Lady, our intercessor
to Jesus! I thank you in special for helping us
economically, for our health, for our daughter
who was approved in the exam for the job she wanted
so much. Our Lady, thanking you is not enough
for everything you granted us. We love you. Please
keep us firm in faith and good deeds and above
all look after all of us. Amen.
I thank deeply for the cure, thank God Who gave
me strength and makes me do it. I thank for the
faith God gives me, for the faith I have. God,
I will never be able to tell you about the gratitude
in my heart, which will be eternal, because you
delivered me from the anorexia I had to live with,
because you showed me a just and happy pathway,
and because I could recover departing from my
faith in You.
I thank you Mother for the grace of overcoming
my panic syndrome and depression. For the honour
and glory of your son Jesus, and for the intercession
of our Heavenly Mother. Thank you.
I want to thank for the great miracle that I was
granted: the salvation and cure of my beloved
Tassia, who was involved in a serious accident,
though thanks to Mary Undoer of Knots she is once
again living happily by our side. Thank you.
Thank you Mary Undoer of Knots for my recovery
after my head surgery, I have faith and I believe
that all the lab exams will show I do not have
the disease anymore. Thank you forever. Praised
be our mother.
I thank you Mary Undoer of Knots for the cure
of my chest pains: I started the novena with my
mother and at the end of the ninth day the pain
was gone. This grace was granted me in the month
of September. Amen.
Thank you for the grace granted to me in this
last December. I needed to sell a car to pay debts
I could not overcome for around one year, and
finally part of the debt was paid. Mary Undoer
of Knots undid this knot of my life. Thank you
dear Mother, Undoer of Knots, and pray for us.